On the road again!

Published on 8 March 2024 at 22:00

I have been so nervous the last few days because I saw mom and dad packing, and I didn't know if I would be invited to come. I was so relieved when they told me I could jump in the car! I just love riding in the car. We made to Washington DC and I got to go to the White House again. What a lucky dog I am! I am staying at a hotel where they give me lots of yummy treats, and we had a nice fish dinner. I just loved the salmon! After dinner I ran into Maggie the poodle in the lobby. She was not so nice to me and thinks she runs this place just because she lives next door. Time for bed, I am exhausted!

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5 months ago

Hi Babe! I am so happy that your humans were smart enough to include you on another adventure! Darwin has also had poodles be not so very nice to him. Don’t take any offense. They are French; it is their way.