Destinatnion New York

So Sunday we left Washington DC and drove to New York. I am tired of the car now and am ready to go home! But my mom has to stop in New York for a back surgery on wednesday she told me. Then we will go home the next day. we had a longer drive because dad chose a route that goes around the bridge that collapsed earlier that day. We had a nice drive to New york, though, with lots of cows to look at. We also stopped in gettysburg pennsylvania for lunch and walked around the town. mom had pulled pork and shared some with me. She told me how last time she was in getysbury was for a yearbook converence in high school. they made the kids take a propeller plane to get there and my mom was very scared. she felt bad for her friend susan who she sat next to. but once they arrived they had fun walking around the town and working on yearbook assignments.

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Cherry blossoms are popular

last night we stayed in in fayeteville north carolina (wouldn't rush back there).  then in the morning we left to go back to washington dc. my mom wanted to see the cherry blossoms at their peak.  what she didn't realize is that a lot of other people had the same idea. so after spending an hour in traffic to get to the parking lot of the tidal basin where it is great for viewing cherry blossoms, we found out that the parking lot is closed. so mom got out of the car for a few minutes while we were sitting in traffic to take some pictures. dad and i stayed in the car. after that we checked into the hotel and then walked over to the white house again. I kept looking at it and wondering who would be living there in a year. I really hope it is not the guy with the orange hair.  we had dinner back at the hotel where a nice couple sitting mext to us shared their hamburger with me. It turned out to be a good day.

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Left Florida and went back to Georgia

So sorry I have been behind in my blog entries. So two days ago we left beautiful North captiva florida. i will miss all the birds and warm weather and digging in the sand. we got back on the boat, which was a little less scary than last time because I had a lot of dog friends going with me. so after the ferry we drove for many hours. I took a little nap. we made it back to georgia, where I am from. we stayed in a hotel that seemed nice but my bed was way too small. really, i am not a chihuahua! the next morning mom and dad decided it would be fun to do a carriage ride around town. the horse was not very friendly and farted a lot. I was ready to get off after 5 minutes but mom and dad seemed to have fun. after the carriage ride dad got some chocolate chip cookies in a big box but wouldn't share.

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Sun, golf carts and docks

Today was a nice day. I spent time lounging in the sand and watching the birds. I even am starting to like riding in the golf carts! The only part of the day I didn't like was going on the dock to get to dinner. Dad had to pick me up because I was too scared to walk on it. We had a good fish dinner, but mom and dad didn't like all the flies on their salad!

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Would I rather be a bird?

There are so many cute birds on the island. Today I wondered if i would rather be a bird? I tried to imagine it, but I decided  that although I like fish I would miss my yummy dog food and daily walks.

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Grandpa Bob and Edie came to visit

Grandpa Bob and Edie came to stay with us for a few days. I have been having a lot of fun with them! We have been eating lots of good food, fishing, feeding the manatees (they like lettuce - yuck), riding in the golf cart and hanging at the beach. Everyone also went swimming a few times but I don't like swimming very much so I just watched. We have been very busy. 

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North Capitva Island is fun.

I have been having a great time on NOrth captiva island. I have been spending a lot of time digging and lounging around. I also have met many different types of birds, tortoises, snakes, and fish.  They are all cute but I would still rather be a dog.  I am getting a little more used to riding in the golf carts. They are not as scary now!

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I am not so sure about the golf carts!

We finally made it to the house we will be staying in. It wasn't easy though! I had to go on a boat, which is not my favorite, and then I had to go in a golf cart. I have never been in a golf card before and I really don't like them! but THEY ARE the only way to get around on the island of North Captiva. Anyways, I love the house we are staying in. It is right on the beach and I like beaches!

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Surprise visit!

Today I was surprised when I got out of the car and saw Greg and Livia! it was really nice to see them. They brought me a cute pink bunny toy and some yummy treats. We had a nice walk but couldn't stay long because mom and dad said we had to catch a ferry. I don't know if I am going to like that. I don't like boats!

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Today I visited the place I am from originally

Today we went to Georgia, the place that I am from.  I was so happy to be back here! Some of the parks definitely looked a little familiar. And I liked looking at the big homes too. We had a little chicken at a barbecue place. I have had better, but not bad! tomorrow my mom and dad said we have to get up early to get to our final destination.

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I would still rather be a dog than a turtle.

Tonight we made it to Myrtle Beach. after a really long drive. Mom and Dad took my photo with the turtles. They are cute but I would still rather be a dog than a turtle. We  had a nice dinner outside by the giant ferris wheel, went to a fun arcade, and did some people watching outside a bar. 

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I will miss you Andy!

This morning we left Washington DC. I iwill miss our hotel, but I will especially miss Andy. He was so nice to me and always gave me yummy treats when he saw me. I will have to come back to visit him soon.

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On the road again!

I have been so nervous the last few days because I saw mom and dad packing, and I didn't know if I would be invited to come. I was so relieved when they told me I could jump in the car! I just love riding in the car. We made to Washington DC and I got to go to the White House again. What a lucky dog I am! I am staying at a hotel where they give me lots of yummy treats, and we had a nice fish dinner. I just loved the salmon! After dinner I ran into Maggie the poodle in the lobby. She was not so nice to me and thinks she runs this place just because she lives next door. Time for bed, I am exhausted!

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It's good to be home!

Well that's a wrap. I was so excited when we drove down our street and I knew we were home! I couldn't wait to get in the door. We had so many fun and exciting adventures, but there is nothing like home. It was great to run in the woods, hang in my yard, and see my friend Daisy and her mom. Home at last!

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I visited the rest stop in Delaware I went to when I was first adopted.

Today we went to the very same rest stop I went to in Delaware after mom and dad first adopted me eleven and a half years ago. We took a photo at the same place. It has a new name now that Biden is president. I really didn't want my photo taken but I am glad I took one.

We also went to New Rochelle, New York. That is where Grandma Joan and Poppy met - senior year of high school in French class. (He didn't stay in that class because he never had his book and the teacher kept yelling at him. He took another math class instead!)

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We saw the aquarium and Camden Yards in Baltimore.

So I thought I wasn't going to be able to see Camden Yards. We arrived at our hotel around 9:30 last night and went for a walk. We went to a scary area that smelled funny and my parents said it was not safe. So we quickly turned around. Well this morning the valet said that area was not safe between 9:00-10:00 at night. But he said it was fine to walk to Camden Yards this morning. It was a nice walk, and we saw the aquarium too. I even got to take my picture with the "Babe's Dream" statue. My parents say the Red Sox play Baltimore tomorrow in the opener and they are going. I would like to go but no dogs are allowed.

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Went to Carter’s pig pen bar-b-q in Mechanicsville, Virginia!

I loved the chicken and corn bread at carters pig pen bar-b-q. I just wish my parents gave me more! I also liked the pig on the roof and by the door. I was looking for a real pig but didn't see any. They had big ovens in the back yard where they cooked everything.

Today I am missing home and I am a little tired of being in the car. My parents say we will be back tomorrow night! I can't wait to run around the back yard, run through the woods and see my friend Daisy.

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I liked cruising the boardwalk on Myrtle Beach.

It was a long drive to get to Myrtle Beach. But I really loved the boardwalk. I liked the giant ferris wheel! There were lots of friendly people who said hello to me. I got water and treats at dinner (plus a little fish from mom and dad), and after dinner we went to a fun arcade. I liked all the different colors and sounds. mom won a pineapple squishmallow. This morning we went for a walk on the beach. I liked the beach but did not like the waves.

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I am not afraid of alligators but my dad is!

Today we went on a hike at Clinch State Park and there was a sign saying to beware of alligators. I was not scared, the alligators looked cute. My dad was scared though. We had fish tacos for lunch and I refused to leave the restaurant. I was not done looking for fish scraps on the ground. Plus I met lots of friendly people there. Off to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!

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Today we went to Clinch State Park on Amelia Island, Florida.

I liked Clinch State Park. They had deer and squirrels like I see at home. They also had trees I had not seen before  There was a cool looking fort but dogs were not allowed. We are going back to explore more trails tomorrow and my mom and dad may go in the fort without me. We also went to the beach today and dogs were everywhere. I took a nice long nap. Today my parents say we are off to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

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Those lizards are fun to chase but hard to catch!

So as it turns out Florida doesn't have too many squirrels to to chase, but there sure are a lot of lizards! They are really fast and hard to catch. But I will keep trying. Maybe I will get lucky. There are also some super big lizards, not sure what they are but I am kind of scared of them.

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Life is a beach.

Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been busy lounging at the beach. Life is good!I was sad to see Rowan leave, but happy to see Madison arrive. All these people coming and going is a little confusing. Maybe that is why I keep waking up at 4:30 ready to eat and start the day!

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Don't I look cool in my sunglasses?

My luck just keeps getting better. Matthew and Rowan showed up! I am so happy to see them! And I also got these cool sunglasses! Glad for these sunglasses as it was a hot one today. See you on the beach with Matthew and Rowan. Oh, and I don't know who this is I am posing with.

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Tonight I celebrated St.Patrick’s Day.

So we moved to a house in Pompano Beach. I am glad we didn't go home! Tonight we celebrated St Patrick's Day. I hung out at Briny's Irish Pub. People were all wearing the same color. A woman thought someone spilled beer on her leg but it was just my wet nose. 

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Canned food and sunrise, that is hard to beat.

My parents think that getting up at 5:30 is just too early, but who can wait for that yummy canned food with savory chicken? And then, since we were up anyways, we got to see the sunrise on the beach. It was a little windy, so my ears were flapping, but I didn't mind. i liked the pretty light and looking at all the other cute dogs.

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Grandpa Bob and Edie came to visit.

Today Grandpa Bob and Edie came to visit. I was surprised to see them because  I didn't know they lived around here. We walked to our favorite lunch place. Grandpa Bob ordered a lot of food and he shared a lot of it with me. I like Grandpa Bob! I am so tired because we walked a lot today. Mom and dad told me they got over 14,000 steps. maybe I will wait until 6am to get up.

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What's it like to be a turtle?

Today I thought about what it would be like to be a turtle. Would I like it better than being a dog? I like how they look, AND I COULD STAY COOL IN THIS FLORIDA HEAT, but I don't really like to swim. So I guess I am better off being a dog.  It is fun to think about though!

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We are finally in Fort Lauderdale!

I think I will just stay in Fort Lauderdale. There is no snow, and I love the lizards. They are more fun than chipmunks and squirrels. And I am allowed to eat in restaurants with my mom and dad. The beach is pretty cool, too!

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St Augustine was pretty.

Now I know why my parents wanted to go to Florida. I just loved the beach! It was a little cold, but I liked watching the waves and saying hi to all the other dogs on the beach. I liked the big duck, too. But I wish I didn't have to get my picture taken with him.

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We made it to Florida!

I am happy to report that we made it to Florida this afternoon! I am happy because I am pretty tired of driving.  It was raining and not so warm, but tomorrow will be nice and sunny. See you on the beach!


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Had pulled pork and treats in Savannah, Georgia.

We stopped for a barbecue lunch in Savannah Georgia. I ENJOYED the pulled pork and the nice man at the hotel who gave me a treat. I liked going to Georgia because that is where I am from originally. The hotel was fun. there was a big dinosaur and some rocks.

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It was a chill day today - mostly.

We drove from Washington, D.C. to Fayetteville, North Carolina today. I enjoyed having lunch in Richmond Virginia and hanging in the sun.  We had a nice walk when we got to our hotel. At dinner a cat tried to pick a fight with me. I just wanted to play. My mom jumped up and banged her leg. We also both ate some jalapeno pepper by accident. Oh well, all is good now.


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We made it to Washington!

Today I spent a lot of time in the car. We drove and drove, and I was bored. I liked sticking my head out the window though and stopping in Philadelphia to smell the flowers on the trees. Then we got to our hotel room in Washington and set off on a very long walk. We saw the White House, the Washington Monument, the Treasury Building, and the WW2 Monument. I also saw lots of secret service men. I didn't like my mom making me take pictures, but otherwise it was lots of fun! I am very tired now.

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They took me with them!

I don't know where I am now, but they took me with them! After what seemed like a very long drive, we arrived in a room with a couch, desk and two beds. I thought there was another dog in the room but then realized it was a mirror. I searched everywhere for water and had to wait at least 5 minutes to get some. That is ok, I got treats and my comfy bed. Good night!

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Please don't leave me!

Something is going on. I see piles of stuff in the kitchen, including my bed! Why oh why is my bed in the kitchen? I just hope they are taking me with them. I see my canned food in the pile so that is a good sign. (Oh how i love that canned food!) But I will have to stay really close to them all day so they don't leave without me. This is stressful!!!!

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