Destinatnion New York

Published on 28 March 2024 at 06:25

So Sunday we left Washington DC and drove to New York. I am tired of the car now and am ready to go home! But my mom has to stop in New York for a back surgery on wednesday she told me. Then we will go home the next day. we had a longer drive because dad chose a route that goes around the bridge that collapsed earlier that day. We had a nice drive to New york, though, with lots of cows to look at. We also stopped in gettysburg pennsylvania for lunch and walked around the town. mom had pulled pork and shared some with me. She told me how last time she was in getysbury was for a yearbook converence in high school. they made the kids take a propeller plane to get there and my mom was very scared. she felt bad for her friend susan who she sat next to. but once they arrived they had fun walking around the town and working on yearbook assignments.

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